Interpreti: Arianna Art Ensemble
Urania Records, Merone 2024

Prezzo: € 17,90

Descrizione: Alle fasi aurorali dell’Illuminismo appartiene G.P. Telemann, musicista dalla vena creativa inesauribile e forse ineguagliata quanto ad ampiezza del catalogo. J.M. Böhm era abile nel violino così come nel flauto e nell’oboe; J.F. Fasch (1688-1758) fu un artigiano della musica assai operoso anche se poco incline a pubblicare il proprio lavoro, apparso postumo. L’imbarazzo che coglie alcuni commentatori circa la musica contenuta nel presente album si deve innanzitutto alla poca dimestichezza con questa musica, informata da un “individualismo” sonoro e da uno spirito sistematico sì ma ancora poco incline alle ferree regolarità che forse soltanto la scuola tardo-romantica ha imposto allo sguardo sulla musica. Georg Philipp Telemann belongs to the auroral phases of the Enlightenment, a musician with an inexhaustible and perhaps unparalleled creative vein in terms of the breadth of his catalogue. Johann Michael Böhm was skilled in the violin as well as the flute and oboe; Johann Friedrich Fasch was a very industrious music craftsman, although reluctant to publish his own work, which appeared posthumously. The embarrassment that seizes some commentators is due primarily to little familiarity with the music included in this album, informed by a sound “individualism” and a systematic spirit, yes, but still little inclined to the rigid regularities that perhaps only the late-Romantic school imposed on the view of music.
Elenco brani:
1. Johann Friedrich Fasch (1688–1758) Quartet (Sonata) in F for Bassoon, Violin, Oboe and Continuo, FaWV N:F4, Basson Sonata in C, FaWV N:C1 2. Georg Philipp Telemann (1681–1767) Trio Sonata in F for Recorder, Viola da Gamba and Continuo, TWV 42 F3, Gamba Sonata in A minor, TWV 41:a6, Quartet (Concerto) in G minor for Recorder, Violin, Viola and Continuo, TWV 43 g4, 3. Johann Michael Böhm (ca. 1685 – ca. 1753) Trio (Concerto) in G for Viola d’amore, Oboe d’amore and Bassoon

Dati editore
INDIRIZZO: via Giuseppe Parini 8 - 22046 - Merone - CO - Italia
TELEFONO: +39 031 4138899

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