Ricerche sulla musica
Note su ebraismo e musica a Napoli tra Otto e Novecento
di Gianluca D'Agostino
I Quaderni Associazione Alessandro Scarlatti

ISBN 9788855430807
Collana: I Quaderni della Scarlatti - Nuova serie 2-2020, LIM Editrice srl, Lucca 2021

pp. 214 - 17×24, € 7,00

This article, conceived as the first part of a much larger work, focuses on the theme of Jewish music, seen from the peculiar perspective of the community of Naples, one of the least investigated Italian Jewish communities, at the turn of the Nineteenth and Twentieth centuries. The two main lines of investigation are the Neapolitan reception of some of the most important Jewish composers of the past (Rossi, Marcello, others), and a meticulous review of Jewish musicians who lived in Naples at that time. In order to do that, we have examined in detail many musical periodicals as well as the three main Jewish periodicals of the time. Particular attention is paid to Michele Costa and Alberto Randegger, both emigrated to England during the Nineteenth century. By the end of the century, some other lesser musicians, well integrated in the lively context of the Neapolitan Piano School, appeared.

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