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Michele Biasutti
INDIRIZZO: via De Dauli 13
CAP: 35139
CITTA': Padova
PAESE: Italia
CELLULARE: +39 340 7906533
categorie: Compositori / Flauto traverso / Musicologi, critici, giornalisti
Musicologi, critici, giornalisti
Repertorio bibliografico
- Biasutti M. (2013). Orchestra rehearsal strategies: conductor and performer views. Musicae Scientiae, 17 (1), xx-xx (ISSN: 0265-0517; EISSN: 1469-2104, Impact factor 0.203)
- Biasutti M. (2012). Group music composing strategies: A case study within a rock band, British Journal of Music Education, 29 (3), 343-357. (ISSN: 0265-0517 EISSN: 1469-2104, Impact factor 0.286)
- Biasutti M. (2012). Beliefs about teaching music: A comparison between primary and secondary trainee teachers, Journal of Education for Teaching, 38 (3), 231-244. ISSN: 0260-7476 (Print), 1360-0540 (Online)
- Biasutti, M. & EL-Deghaidy, H. (2012). Using Wiki in teacher education: Impact on knowledge management processes and student satisfaction, Computers & Education, 59 (3), 861–872. (ISSN: 0360-1315; Impact factor 2,617)
- Biasutti M. (2012). ICT in music education in Italy: Contexts, potentialities and perspectives. In M. Gall, A. De Vugt, G. Sammer, (Eds) European Perspectives on Music Education: New media in the classroom, Insbruck: Helbling (pp. 135-148) (ISBN: 978-3-85061-850-2)
- Biasutti M. (2011). The student experience of a collaborative e-learning university module, Computers & Education, 57 (3), 1865-1875. (ISSN: 0360-1315; Impact factor 2,617
- Biasutti M. (2011). Flow and optimal experience. In Runco MA and Pritzker SR (Eds), Encyclopedia of creativity, Second Edition, vol. 1, pp. 522-528. San Diego: Academic Press.
- Biasutti M. (2010). Investigating trainee music teachers’ beliefs on musical abilities and learning: A quantitative study. Music Education Research, 12 (1), 47-69. (ISSN: 1461-3808; Impact Factor 0.481)
- Seddon, F.A. & Biasutti, M. (2010). Strategies students adopted when learning to play an improvised blues in an e-learning environment, Journal of Research in Music Education, 58 (2), 147-167
- Biasutti M., Frezza L. (2009). The dimensions of music improvisation. Creativity Research Journal, 21 (2/3), 232-242 (ISSN: 1040-0419; Impact factor 0,724)
- Seddon F. A., Biasutti M. (2009) Modes of Communication between members of a String Quartet, Small Group Research, 40 (2), 115-137. (Impact factor: 1.167)
- Seddon, F.A. & Biasutti, M. (2009). Evaluating a music e-learning resource: the participants’ perspective, Computers and Education, 53 (3), 541-549. (ISSN: 0360-1315; Impact factor 2,190)
- Seddon, F.A. & Biasutti, M. (2009). Participant approaches to and reflections on learning to play a 12-bar blues in an asynchronous e-learning environment, International Journal of Music Education. 27 (3), 189-203. (ISSN: 0255-7614)
- Seddon F. A., and Biasutti M. (2009). A Comparison of Modes of Communication between members of a String Quartet and a Jazz Sextet, Psychology of Music, 37 (4), 395-415. (ISSN: 0305-7356; Impact factor journal)
- Seddon, F.A. and Biasutti, M. (2008). Non-music specialist trainee primary school teachers’ confidence in teaching music in the classroom. Music Education Research, 10 (3), 403–421
- Biasutti M. (2013). Orchestra rehearsal strategies: conductor and performer views. Musicae Scientiae, 17 (1), xx-xx (ISSN: 0265-0517; EISSN: 1469-2104, Impact factor 0.203)
- Biasutti M. (2012). Group music composing strategies: A case study within a rock band, British Journal of Music Education, 29 (3), 343-357. (ISSN: 0265-0517 EISSN: 1469-2104, Impact factor 0.286)
- Biasutti M. (2012). Beliefs about teaching music: A comparison between primary and secondary trainee teachers, Journal of Education for Teaching, 38 (3), 231-244. ISSN: 0260-7476 (Print), 1360-0540 (Online)
- Biasutti, M. & EL-Deghaidy, H. (2012). Using Wiki in teacher education: Impact on knowledge management processes and student satisfaction, Computers & Education, 59 (3), 861–872. (ISSN: 0360-1315; Impact factor 2,617)
- Biasutti M. (2012). ICT in music education in Italy: Contexts, potentialities and perspectives. In M. Gall, A. De Vugt, G. Sammer, (Eds) European Perspectives on Music Education: New media in the classroom, Insbruck: Helbling (pp. 135-148) (ISBN: 978-3-85061-850-2)
- Biasutti M. (2011). The student experience of a collaborative e-learning university module, Computers & Education, 57 (3), 1865-1875. (ISSN: 0360-1315; Impact factor 2,617
- Biasutti M. (2011). Flow and optimal experience. In Runco MA and Pritzker SR (Eds), Encyclopedia of creativity, Second Edition, vol. 1, pp. 522-528. San Diego: Academic Press.
- Biasutti M. (2010). Investigating trainee music teachers’ beliefs on musical abilities and learning: A quantitative study. Music Education Research, 12 (1), 47-69. (ISSN: 1461-3808; Impact Factor 0.481)
- Seddon, F.A. & Biasutti, M. (2010). Strategies students adopted when learning to play an improvised blues in an e-learning environment, Journal of Research in Music Education, 58 (2), 147-167
- Biasutti M., Frezza L. (2009). The dimensions of music improvisation. Creativity Research Journal, 21 (2/3), 232-242 (ISSN: 1040-0419; Impact factor 0,724)
- Seddon F. A., Biasutti M. (2009) Modes of Communication between members of a String Quartet, Small Group Research, 40 (2), 115-137. (Impact factor: 1.167)
- Seddon, F.A. & Biasutti, M. (2009). Evaluating a music e-learning resource: the participants’ perspective, Computers and Education, 53 (3), 541-549. (ISSN: 0360-1315; Impact factor 2,190)
- Seddon, F.A. & Biasutti, M. (2009). Participant approaches to and reflections on learning to play a 12-bar blues in an asynchronous e-learning environment, International Journal of Music Education. 27 (3), 189-203. (ISSN: 0255-7614)
- Seddon F. A., and Biasutti M. (2009). A Comparison of Modes of Communication between members of a String Quartet and a Jazz Sextet, Psychology of Music, 37 (4), 395-415. (ISSN: 0305-7356; Impact factor journal)
- Seddon, F.A. and Biasutti, M. (2008). Non-music specialist trainee primary school teachers’ confidence in teaching music in the classroom. Music Education Research, 10 (3), 403–421